Our History


Sydney H. Young Dream Boats


Syd Young, DreamBoat Inc.


Nationally Known Designer & Boat Builder

Sydney H. Young

Building boats is in the blood of Sydney H. Young. His father Stanley C. Young, started building boats in 1933 as StanCraft Boats in Lakeside, MT. Stan created some of the most iconic designs in boating history, including the 22′ Torpedo in 1944 which was revolutionary for the time and until this day considered by classic boat enthusiasts as the most dramatic and pleasing to the eye of any torpedo ever built.

Syd began building boats at the young age of 14 under the tutelage of his father, and various members of the StanCraft crew. From 1968-2008, Syd and his wife Juliette continued Stanley’s legacy. Some of Syd’s contributions to the boating world include the 260 Norwester, and the 19′ Veruna.

In 1981, they moved the company to Coeur d’Alene, ID. Syd began building new StanCrafts on a small scale, combined with restoring numerous Chris Crafts, Garwoods, Rivas, Century boats, HackerCraft, StanCrafts and many others. Syd and Julie built a one of a kind business known for its excellence in restoration, design, and craftsmanship. One of his main focuses in the 1990’s was designing boat bottoms to achieve better performance and a more enjoyable ride. Syd’s designs completely changed the future of wooden boats with their soft and level rides.

In 2008, Syd and Juliette would sell the company to their daughter and son-in-law. Despite the sale, his passion for design and building never wavered and Syd continued to restore and build boats on his own. Now, armed with five decades of designing, building and refurbishing some of the most classic and innovative boats in the industry, Syd is proud to put his life’s work into his new line of DreamBoats.

Each DreamBoat is crafted from the finest mahogany and is built by a small handpicked, experienced team of woodworkers and mechanics all committed to building the best of the best. Syd is proud to have launched the thriving wooden boat industry across North Idaho and the greater Northwest, and is thrilled to once again bring his designs to both new and lifelong customers.

While in Coeur d'alene, Syd has designed and built over 40 custom designs in the past 35 years.

Retirement never being a comfortable place, Syd continued to design and build a number of custom boats. In recent years, his desire to once again design and build for the general boating public is burning brighter than ever. These classic, highly enhanced boats are now available for order through the DreamBoat Inc in many advanced new designs.




Dream Boats - Custom Boat Builders

PO Box 2560
Coeur d'Alene ID 83816

PLACE YOUR ORDER: (208) 784-8067